Why? Because shes an attention whore. Seriously, Brit Brit's looking more and more like an adolescent as the weeks roll by. A middle-class little girl grows up sheltered, with everything in the world given to her for basically her whole life, and she can't appreciate that? So what does she do? She tries as hard as she can to rebel, like any stupid teenager would do just for the hell of it, just for more attention to be given to her on a whole 'nother level. It is rumored that she had it cut due to K-Mart threatening to have her hair tested for drugs. Hmmm...
I don't know about you guys, but I'd give anything to have my ass wiped for me my whole life.
Give me you opinions on this situation.
Check back often. My blog will only get better and better. I love reading how the masses feel about certain matters and celebrities, so show me some love, punks!
With ears like that, I would NEVER allow myself to shave my head!!!
awww, thanks.
I know it sucks, but I'll get better. I just need everyone's support.
Hey good luck!
she just needs some help.Going through divorce and all that stuff.I believe she was happy with Fed-ex.You know ,it's not that easy to realise that someone you care about was just using you because of your money and to just become famous.
I agreee annonymous. I believe she was happy with K-Mart too. She was probably a little too happy with him( seen chaotic, her show?). I'm sure somewhere in the back of her mind, she kind of knew something wasn't right all along, and I mean, sincc day ONE.
Come one, he left his pregnant girl for her!!! She may have seemed flattered by that, but anyone with any kind of sense knows that you're just frickin' ASKING for trouble!
Thanks, Beck!
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